I know this from http://www.perodua.com.my
Myvi 1.5 road show will be held at the place and date as above (inbroucher) do not miss the opportunity to test drive and learn more about myvi 1.5.
Many fun activities will be held there. Do not miss this golden opportunity. Loss if you do not go to this road show. All the latest information available on the web perodua
Myvi 1.5 latest release from perodua with an attractive design and more faithful to taste. Affordable, easy-owned and very appropriatefor today's youth who want something different, featuring sports car and the colors are very extrem.
Have it now and do not be apart of this road show if you want to know more abaout this myvi 1.5
Very helpful! Thank you for helping me learn more about Perodua Myvi .